Booklets for sale
During 2020 Kate Steane started compiling a booklet of her photographs of paintings of piers that her mother had made. This was completed in the autumn and Kate decided to produce other similar collections in the same format. In the summer of 2021 she presented her father with "Nina Carroll: from House to House" and then compiled "Nina Carroll: Here and There" to accompany her exhibition at a Lincoln gallery.
The price from this website is £6.95 per booklet, including UK 2nd class postage. To order one or more copies, please email the publisher, or write to Geoff Tann, 23 Spa Buildings, Lincoln. LN2 5AU. Payment may be made by online payment (BACS), Paypal ( or by cheque (Geoff Tann).
Copies may also be available from bookshops and online booksellers, including the National Piers Society. If you would like to offer copies for sale in your gallery or bookshop, please email.